Freitag, 20. Februar 2015

Free radical scavenging antioxidants: OPC

OPC - most active free radical scavenging antioxidants 

Natural antioxidants protect the body against harmful free radicals and promote healthy cells. However, the human body does not have sufficient antioxidants to provide sufficient protection. We have a real need for supplementation in this area.

Researchers have discovered that some plants have very potent antioxidant elements. Red grapes and certain pine trees in particular have these elements. Vitamin C and E are also antioxidants. However, the OPC's are 20 - 50 times stronger.

Abilities of OPC

OPC's (pycnogenols) actually help rebuild healthy collagen which is the basic structure of all connective tissue. When collagen is unhealthy, it becomes brittle, sags, wrinkles, and draws the skin away from the weakened collagen. 

OPC's (pycnogenols) repair the unhealthy collagen. In addition, they inhibit the destructive enzymes: collagenase and elastase which can destroy healthy tissue.

OPC is an abbreviation for OligomericProanthoCyanidin. OPC's are also called pycnogenols.

OPC's (pycnogenols) are probably the most versatile nutrients ever discovered. They are the most active free radical scavenging antioxidants known.

OPC's (pycnogenols) help protect against all degenerative conditions, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, allergies and aging.

OPC's (pycnogenols) are known to cross the blood/brain barrier and improve oxygenation of brain tissue, which may be helpful in preventing attention deficit syndrome.

OPC's (pycnogenols) have been shown to be effective for migraine headaches.

OPC's (pycnogenols) preserve and protect collagen and its production. Collagen is an important structural constituent of our blood vessels, skin and connective tissues including ligaments and tendons. Collagen is also a major component of muscles, cartilage, bones, gums, teeth and eyes.

OPC's (pycnogenols) strengthens capillary walls and microcapillaries, improves capillary resistance and capillary leakage in the legs, eyes, and skin.

OPC's (pycnogenols) strengthens collagen protein by affixing itself to collagen thus providing elasticity and resiliency.

As potent antioxidants, pure OPC's (pycnogenols) are the most valuable anti-aging nutrients. This potent, free radical scavenger protects against collagen loss from free radical attack, helping the circulatory system maintain good blood vessel health. As a result, OPC's (pycnogenols) improves blood flow and maintains normal circulatory function.

OPC's (pycnogenols) are powerful antioxidants that fill a crucial need in our battle against the free radicals that we are exposed to everyday. OPC's (pycnogenols) have given people relief for a number of physical problems.

We are exposed to free radicals in such forms as: pollution, radiation, second hand tobacco smoke, and chemicals, just to name some of the major sources. The free radicals attack the body on a molecular level and damage the structure of the body's cells. When the cells are damaged at the molecular level, they do not function or reproduce as they should.
Over 80 diseases have been connected with free radical damage. A few of these diseases are: various forms of cancer, circulatory disease, heart disease, arthritis, allergies, and chronic fatigue. 

OPC's have also been extremely effective in helping children with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and hyperactivity.

The world's leading expert on OPC's is the French researcher, Dr. Jacques Masquelier, Professor Emeritus. His formula, called OPC-85, is recognized as the most effective for maintaining good health. Dr Masquelier is a pioneer in the field of OPC research. 

This research explained why the French people, who consume an extremely large amount of fats and cholesterol in their normal diets, have a very low incidence of coronary heart disease. 

Dr. Masquelier and other researchers discovered that certain antioxidant substances found in grape seeds ameliorate the adverse effects of fats and cholesterol. These substances are the OPC's or pycnogenols. Dr. Masquelier was the pioneer researcher and actually originated the term "pycnogenols."

Prof. Dr. Jack Arthur Masquelier invented OPC's extraction method in 1947 and identified OPC's intense anti-oxidative properties in 1985. Berkim Laboratory perfected his method. 

His authentic OPC extracts are the standards in the pharmaceutical industry.
Proanthenols (Masquelier's OPC-85) are 100% bioavailable from the digestive tract and travel through the bloodstream to every part of the body, especially those rich in collagen. 

They are 20 times more effective than vitamin C and 40 times more effective than vitamin E.

Source for high quality OPC, click here

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